Things You Need To Know Before You Invest In Fundaztic

by - August 02, 2018

I’ve started investing in P2P financing last month via Fundaztic. I decided to wait for a couple of weeks before sharing it to anyone what is P2P financing all about.  


Because I wanted to be sure that it is really safe and most importantly the return is real! And… so far so good!

Thus, I will be sharing my personal experience these few weeks and what I know thus far about investing via Fundaztic.

My experience investing with Fundaztic

From my experience so far, investing in Fundaztic is pretty easy. You can easily access the information that you need before deciding on which businesses that you want to invest.

Each investment opportunity is given a grade according to the risks involved. You can select the investment that you want to invest based on your risk appetite. 

Risk Grades

After you registered an account in Fundaztic, they will prompt you an email a day before any new notes coming in which allows you to do some research on the businesses. 

Business Plans For Upcoming Notes

It is much easier to access your current investment and to calculate your investment breakeven using their newly apps. 

So far, they do have many new notes that they update regularly particularly on Tuesday and Friday.

How Much I Am Making In Fundaztic? 

Honestly, I won't even make a blog post about this platform if it doesn't give me the return that I'd expected.

Well, compared to FD rates or Amanah Saham, the return you can get here is much higher. Provided that you diversify your investment and don't put all your egg in a basket.

You can view a summary of your p2p investment in their dashboard. This information allows you to easily monitor your current portfolio at any time.

According to their calculation, my investment has generated returns in excess of 30.43% which is quite high.

Always bear in mind that all investment has a risk, so again, diversification will help you to minimize this risk.

Portfolio Summary

The Investment that I have funded so far:

Investments Details

If you can see from the table above, I invested different amounts of money in different notes. The minimum amount that you can invest is from as low as RM50.

My advice,
Just invest the minimum amount (RM50) in any notes in the first month. Start small and diversify your investment. This is what I learned from one of the Investor Talk that I had attended and lesson learned!

How do I open my Account? 
I find it relatively easy, with some verification steps needed to be done. It's quite interesting that they will give you some amount of money (e.g. RM0.93) to your bank account, and then you will need to key in this number to your profile for the last verification. Sounds safer for me.

For those of you who are interested, click on this link to start:

Disclosure: It is my Fundaztic invitation link for you. Please use it if you find this information is useful. :)

P.s. Please contact me if you have any question especially regarding the registration part. I am ready to help you ;-) I don't mind sharing if it is a good stuff.

Should I do a full post on how to register step by step? Let me know too.

Happy Investing!

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